"The Shield"; a constellation located between the tail of Serpens and the head of Sagittarius.

Named by Johannes Hevelius, it represents the coat of arms of John Sobieski, king of Poland, in honor of his successful resistance against the Turks, in their attack on Vienna, in 1683.

Scu"tum (?), n.; pl. Scuta (#). [L.]

1. Rom. Antiq.

An oblong shield made of boards or wickerwork covered with leather, with sometimes an iron rim; -- carried chiefly by the heavy-armed infantry.

2. O. Eng.Law

A penthouse or awning.



3. Zool. (a)

The second and largest of the four parts forming the upper surface of a thoracic segment of an insect. It is preceded by the prescutum and followed by the scutellum. See the Illust. under Thorax.


One of the two lower valves of the operculum of a barnacle.


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