The Robinson Treaties include the Robinson-Superior Treaty, and the Robinson-Huron Treaty, both of 1850.
The Robinson-Superior Treaty of September 7th, 1850 at Sault Ste. Marie was between William Benjamin Robinson (representing Her Majesty The Queen) and the Ojibwa (represented by Joseph Peandechat, John Iuinway, Ishe-muckqua, Totomencie, Jacob Warpela, Hmutchiwagabou, Michel Shelageshick, Manitshainse, and Chiginans) inhabiting the northern shore of Lake Superior
For the sum of two thousand pounds (Upper Canada Currency) up front, and five hundred pounds annually the Ojibwa ceded the lands around Lake Superior to the Her Majesty. The only exclusions to this were three reservations where the Ojibwa would retain the right to inhabit and manage the resources therein. Further to the treaty, as the value of the land appreciates, William Robinson agreed to increase the annuity "from time to time." This is to be a maximum of one pound per year per eligible person ("or such further sum as Her Majesty may be graciously pleased to order")- where those eligible number eight hundred and twenty- seven ("two thirds of twelve hundred and forty") or less if the number of natives diminishes.
The Robinson-Huron Treaty of September 9th, 1850 at Sault Ste. Marie was between William Benjamin Robinson (representing Her Majesty The Queen) and the Ojibwa (represented by Shinguacouse Nebenaigoching, Keokouse, Mishequonga, Tagawinini, Shabokishick, Dokis, Ponekeosh, Windawtegowinini, Shawenakeshick, Namassin, Naoquagabo, Wabakekik, Kitchepossigun, Wagemaki, Pamequonaisheung, John Bell, Paqwatchinini, Mashekyash, Idowekesis, Waquacomick, Ocheek, Metigomin, Watachewana, Minwawapenasse, Shenaoquom, Oningegun, Panaissy, Papasainse, Ashewasega, Kageshewawetung, Shawonebin, Maisquaso, Muckata, Mishoquet, Mekis, Mishoquetto, Asa Waswanay, and Pawiss) inhabiting the eastern and northern shores of Lake Huron from Penetanguishene to Sault Ste. Maire, to Batchewanaung Bay on the Northern Shore of Lake Superior.
This treaty too includes a lump-sum of two thousand pounds plus one hundred and sixty(Upper Canada Currency) for the inhabitants of French River and Lake Nipissing, but initially included the annuity of six hundred pounds. This sum too could be raised (up to a maximum of 948 - two-thirds of 1422 - or higher if Her Majesty deigned to raise the compensation). The exclusion to the ceded lands numbered seventeen reservations.
With Files from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
There is also reference to a treaty in 1843 where he signed a Treaty setting aside 700 acres of land for the Lake Simcoe Chippewa, the text of which is proving elusive to obtain