This place is still weird.
- user since
- Thu Jun 17 1999 at 21:02:11 (25.8 years ago )
- last seen
- Wed Mar 12 2025 at 15:26:17 (1.5 weeks ago )
- number of write-ups
- 676 - View RimRod's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 27 (Vizier) / 39433
- C!s spent
- 580
- mission drive within everything
- To make everyone's day a little happier. At gunpoint, if necessary.
- specialties
- Fencing, computer software design, bowling, random /msgs to strangers. No particular order.
- motto
- There are no permanent beggars...the beggar you give a dollar to today can rise up and change the world tomorrow. Or become father to the man who will.
- most recent writeup
- October 23, 2013
- Send private message to RimRod
User Bookmarks:
- 'cat' moment
- "A Story," by Everythingians
- 1600 SAT (thing)
- 1986 World Series - Game 6 (thing)
- 202-244-3121
- 3 Musketeers
- 3,000 Naked People
- A Child Called "It"
- A day in the life of a blackjack dealer
- A meeting with the President of the United States
- A message from sensei
- A Night With The WWE (idea)
- Aspects of American society that may be new to you
- Babylon 5 Episode Guide (thing)
- Bad roommate
- Barely Legal
- Behind the scenes at a supermarket produce department
- Bill Watterson (person)
- Bob Ross
- Bowling for Columbine
- Breeders: your children do not make you superior (idea)
- Caffeinated Nasal Spray
- Can't we all just get along?
- Car accident (thing)
- Chernobyl (place)
- Chilling cruelty of children (idea)
- Christian sheep (idea)
- Classical Music Starter Guide
- Climb up on the Moon? Of course we did.
- Combat Infantryman Badge
- Common gambling fallacies
- Compaq (idea)
- Conan O'Brien's Commencement Speech for the Harvard Class of 2000
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Dead people are not sleeping. They are dead.
- Dear God: how about that whole holocaust thing?
- Defending yourself with a hardcover book (idea)
- Dialogue and Narrative Structure on Television: An Examination of Babylon 5
- Dizzy and Katyana's Wedding Vows
- DMCA and the politics of copy protection
- Dollar auction
- Don't blame Columbine on computer games
- Don't encourage people to read
- Dr. Seussian wedding vows
- E2 Gatherings
- E2 HTML tags
- e2 is a Scorpio
- E2 is unfriendly to old noders
- E2 Public Relations Issues
- Everything Professional Career Network
- Everything's fine in South Caroline (A Pothead's Tale)
- Experiments and Surveys
- Favorite Everything quotes
- Feed the idiot box
- Finding free anime on the internet
- Flight Termination System
- For Christmas, I made my Mom cry
- Frank Zappa: Statement To Congress September 19, 1985
- Fun ways to annoy your Chief in the US Navy
- Geek's guide to working out
- George W. Bush's address to the UN General Assembly: September 12, 2002
- Good practical jokes
- hard interview questions
- Harmful to Minors
- Heart-shaped acorn
- Highway Tales
- Hong Kong movie subtitles (thing)
- How Long Copyright Protection Endures
- How not to beat Jet Li's kung-fu style in "Fist of Legend"
- How Prom nearly killed me
- How to build your own computer
- How to cook the perfect steak
- How to Deal with Tear Gas
- How to derive the maximum enjoyment from crackers
- How to enlist in the United States Navy
- How to entertain young children on little or no money
- How to Get a Copy of Your FBI File
- How to get someone to stop playing that one song over and over
- How to get unrestricted simultaneous downloads in Internet Explorer
- How to give a shoulder massage
- How to kick ass at a job interview
- How to make a crossword puzzle
- How to play E2
- How to properly assemble a combat insertion team
- How to solve a Rubik's Cube
- I am a sexist
- I am my father's daughter
- I have asked my library to ban a book
- I never learned to dance
- I used to have so many dreams
- I was a homeless bum
- I was a teenage telephone solicitor
- I will REMOVE the fucking toilet seat if you don't shut up
- I'm just realizing, at 20 years of age, that I enjoy classical music (idea)
- If an Agent Knocks - Federal Investigators and Your Rights
- If Dr. Seuss wrote for Star Trek
- In-N-Out Burger
- Introspection is probably not as valuable as you think
- Islam, women, and Saudi Arabian society
- It's 2 in the morning and I own the world (idea)
- Jar Jar Binks (person)
- Jennifer
- Jerry Lawler (person)
- Jim Henson (person)
- Kiss your pants goodbye, Evil One!
- Laser eye surgery
- Letter to Isaac Asimov
- Long Island Diner Culture: A Complete Guide
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (person)
- Mardi Gras (thing)
- Median Node-Fu Product
- Modern times leave us dazed and confused about dating
- Node your homework
- Nuclear Power: Safer than Peanut Butter (idea)
- Omegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pie
- Our common enemy (idea)
- Our sensei
- Pitching for Star Trek
- Playing rough on the bed
- Proof that Baptists cause tornados
- public education's fatal flaw
- Rampant mass consumerism is so evil. Hey, can I have a sip of that Frappucino?
- Richard Nixon's Social Security Number
- RimRod at the Junior Olympics of Fencing
- RimRod Goes To McDonald's
- RimRod's Fencing Autobiography
- Rodney King (person)
- Ronald Reagan (person)
- Rook's Wine Reviews
- Santa Fe Independent School District v. DOE
- Scrappy Mac's Punchout Problem
- Searching E2 from a Windows MSIE address bar
- Sensei and stuff
- Sensei's recipes
- Seventeen ways to kill a sentence
- Sins of the World
- Slut Manifesto
- Sneakers (thing)
- So this one-legged man walks into a bar
- So, you want to change your hair color? Read this first!
- Someday you will drive your Sony to the sony to pick up some more Sony
- Sometimes, all you can be is a friend
- Sonny Bono Copyright Extension Act
- Speed chess, confessions of a positional player
- Star Wars Episode 1.1: The Phantom Edit
- Surviving Boot Camp
- table chess
- Tales from an ex fat chick
- Teach yourself to play chess
- Technically raped
- Thank GOD for Supermodels!
- The cat is a liberal!
- The CIA Meets MIT (idea)
- The death of Mr. Hooper
- The double articulation of language
- The E2 Backstory
- The employee as customer
- The Harvard Plate Story (idea)
- The McDonald's coffee lawsuit
- The moment you realize you can't be good at everything
- The multi-stage Jewish good-bye
- The Next Little Letter: The Vowels of the Internet (idea)
- The origins of the American accent
- The People's Elbow (thing)
- The principles of nuclear weapon safety and meeting girls are remarkably similar
- The Process of Language Acquisition
- The public library is NOT a day care center for your kids
- The reality of human confrontation
- the Robert Moses memorial Everything Long Beach party and picnic of doom
- The sad thing is, if you get her you'll be sick of her in a year
- The Serial Killer Jailbait Airline Lotto
- The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher
- The Southeastern United States' lack of knowledge in computer science
- The Story of Mel
- The top secret of talking like an American
- The well-groomed ones? Those are liberal arts majors. (idea)
- The world breaks everyone (idea)
- There is almost no need for the word 'get'
- These Golden Years are really tarnished
- Things I had not seen before coming to America
- This wasn't how it was supposed to be
- Tickle your ass with a feather? (thing)
- To live, success carries high price in our world
- Trivial Pursuit, the battle of the sexes, and one very smart little cookie
- Two Envelope Paradox
- Uh, are you looking at my joystick to impress her, or are you just an asshole?
- Undertaker (person)
- Using a Jedi Mind Trick on State Troopers
- Verizon's Favorite Four-Letter Word
- Voltron (thing)
- We juggle priceless eggs: Understanding knowledge workers
- We will fight and I will win
- Welcome to 2002, the twenty-third year of the eighties
- Wendy's (thing)
- What to do if you're stopped by the police
- What to do with that insane amount of shaving cream you have just lying around
- What to know before you invest in stocks
- What's It Like to Live on Death Row?
- When too much Dungeons and Dragons changes your religion
- Who to send presents to, and when.
- Why France sucks
- Why potheads should be eliminated
- Why strapping buttered toast to a cat's back will not produce infinite power
- William M. Callaghan
- Windows for Telepaths
- You gave me your hand, I gave you my fist
- You really shouldn't let people you don't know tie you up (idea)
- Zen
- Zimbardo Experiment