A 50:50 mixture of a pair of enantiomers. A racemic solution is obtained when two achiral agents react to form a chiral product. Such a solution is optically inactive, as the rotations of the two enantiomers cancel each other out. It can be purified into only one 'side' enantiomer in a process known as resolution, by coverting them into diastereoisomers by adding a chiral reagent, separating these isomers, and then reconverting them back into enantiomers. This procedure was first carried out by Louis Pasteur when he separated the sodium salts of (R)- and (S)- racemic acid.

Ra*ce"mic (?), a. [Cf. F. rac'emique. See Raceme.] Chem.

Pertaining to, or designating, an acid found in many kinds of grapes. It is also obtained from tartaric acid, with which it is isomeric, and from sugar, gum, etc., by oxidation. It is a sour white crystalline substance, consisting of a combination of dextrorotatory and levorotatory tartaric acids.



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