The projekt Gutenberg - DE contains texts in the German language (original or in translation) of more than 350 "classical " authors assembled in more than 200,000 book pages in over 40,000 files. The file grows each month by approximately 5,000 pages.

The project was begun 1994 as a leisure time activity, when there were only a few German-language texts on the Internet. Up to the present time more than 5,000 workhours have been applied to the project. In June 1997 the number of accessed documentsthe went over 1/2 million.
translated from the German introduction at their web site.

Access to the texts can be made through an alphabetical listing of authors, ranging Aesop to Émile Zola. The well-known German authors are also represented and include Goethe, Heine, Hesse, Kant among others. Fairy tales, fables and legends are listed in their own section.

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