A science fiction themed quasi-punk band from the San Francisco Bay Area, they incorporate pop, rock, and even techno sounds to form a unique style of music. They currently have one full-length release, "Rockets and Robots", along with a limited-release vinyl LP.

    The members of the band:
  • Commander Angel Nova, vocals/guitar
  • Major Jimmy Boom, drums
  • Captain Chreehos, stand-up bass
  • Corporal Joe Bot, vocals/guitar
  • Professor Greg Arius, keyboards
  • Cadet Orbit, mascot/security

The Phenomenauts are famous for setting up outside popular music venues and playing as people come out. They wear futuristic uniforms on stage, and utilize wacky gadgets such as a leaf blower modified to stream rolls of toilet paper into the crowd. Joe Bot comes on stage with the upper part of his head encased in a giant metallic device (the "Therimatic Helmerator"), said to be the result of a freak ceiling-fan accident. They drive in the Phenoma-Bomber (a tricked out van), and the Phenomenator (a smaller "scout vehicle").

Phenomenauts Main Site: http://www.phenomenauts.com/

Springman Records: http://www.springmanrecords.com/

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