A commentary on "simple intructions"

"How To Draw an Owl is a satirical instructional image purportedly illustrating how to draw an intricately detailed owl in two steps. Despite what the title suggests, the vast majority of the artistic process is left unexplained for comedic effect.
Know Your Meme

I wish I could embed an image in this writeup because gosh darn it, I need it right just now. The image can be found here and really it needs no explanation, because almost every set of instructions you've met in your whole life has been guilty of this so some degree.

Now that you've seen the image (you did take a look, right?) Im sure you have your own tales of woe and frustration. Mine most often from trying to do something computery (today, it was attempting to install and set up the Linux dict command. As ever, I went to RTFM, hoping to learn how to set up the config file. What I found was:

The  configuration  file currently has a very simple format.  Lines are
       used to specify servers, for example:
              server dict.org
       or, with options:
              server dict.org { port 8080 }
              server dict.org { user username secret }
              server dict.org { port dict user username secret }
       the port and user options may be specified in any order.  The port  op-
       tion is used to specify an optional port (e.g., 2628) or service (e.g.,
       dict) for the TCP/IP connection.  The user option is used to specify  a
       username  and  shared secret to be used for authentication to this par-
       ticular server.

And of course there's a step missing, like where the fucking fuck is the config file? Well that crucial information is given elsewhere in the manual page of course, but not in a place where I'd logically find it. Even going to the Arch wiki pages didn't totally resolve my issues, so I went back to my default position of "try everything in the hope that it works", which it didn't. So I spent two hours reading everything I could find, a good ten minutes of which was cursing StackExchange and wearing myself out with useless rage. Finally, it works. Maybe I should do the definitive "how-to", but I'm too cross and out of sorts to do that.

It was the same trying to recode my car's radio after the battery got drained. There's always a fucking step missing, somewhere, and at the close of the process I felt stupid rather than elated or satisfied.

I can see now why so many people default to watching YouTube videos to learn how to do something rather than just read the instructions. Draw the rest of the fucking owl, indeed.

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