Mujerista/Feminista (I will use the two interchangeably) theology brings together elements of feminist theology, Latin American liberation theology and cultural theology.
The mujerista movement was founded by poorer Hispanic women who believed in ending sexism. They cannot call themselves traditional feminists because the stereotype of a feminist is a rich white woman; their own class and ethnic group rejects them. Instead, they call themselves mujeristas because it reflects their ethinicity and their purpose.
Mujeristas also speak out on one more important topic: religion. This is why they call their beliefs a "theology": because they feel that women are underrepresented in the Roman Catholic Church, to which most Hispanics belong. They feel that women do most of the praying, and yet are ignored. One of their more radical, and more popular, fights is that to bring women into the priesthood. Another aspect of their alternative theology is to include components of all the ancient religions of Central America (think Aztecs, Mayas, Olmecs) into their beliefs.
For more information, see:
but be warned, you will have to be able to read Spanish to understand it.