PC Mice come in various flavours :
BUS mouse,
the standard
PS/2 mouse,
serial mouse,
and the
USB mouse.
I do not know if there are
FireWire mice available but it isn't technologically impossible.
- BUS mice are the oldest. They are also called ISA mice because they are usually connected to the
PC using an ISA card. Everything is handled by the ISA card and the mouse soely consists of
the detectors and buttons.
PS/2 mice are the best because nearly every recent computer is equipped with a PS/2 port
and the logic is hard coded on the motherboard. As a consequence, the CPU is not used to
decode packet data sent by the mouse which saves a few cycles.
Serial mice do not use the CPU for data transmission either but they take up a serial port, which
can be very annoying on single-serial-port computers.
The USB mice is probably the easiest to use, but data is transmitted via the USB bus and
therefore decoded by the CPU. But today's computers are so powerful that it makes no
difference for the user. Nevertheless I can't bear seeing an USB mouse on a PS/2 compliant
machine because I think of all the CPU cycles that are lost for nothing.
Thanks to Xenex for pointing out the "silky smoothness" of USB mice. This is because their refresh rate is higher by default. The refresh rate of PS/2 mice can be changed up to 200 Hz by sending the appropriate message to the mouse controller. (ps2rate does this under Windows) This is mainly used by quakers who tune their system to get the higher FPS possible. Therefore they need the softest mouse movement possible to frag their ennemies.
The serial mouse
This type of mouse is connected directly to the
serial port and uses the standard
protocol. The mouse gets its current from the RS-232 DRT and RTS pins and uses less than 15 mA.
Pin | Name | Mouse Usage
shell | Protective Ground |
3 | TD | Serial data from host to mouse (only for power)
2 | RD | Serial data from mouse to host
7 | RTS | Positive voltage to mouse
8 | CTS |
6 | DSR |
5 | Signal Ground |
4 | DTR | Positive voltage to mouse and reset/detection
Packet detail
When the mouse state changes, it sends a packet consisting of 3 (Microsoft mouse flavour)
or 5 (Logitech/mouse systems corp. mouse flavour) to the computer.
Each packet contains the buttons pressed and the relative position since the last packet.
Microsoft mouse flavour
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
x 1 L R Y7 Y6 X7 X6 Byte 0
x 0 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0 Byte 1
x 0 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 Byte 2
L = Left Button (1 when pressed)
R = Right Button (1 when pressed)
X0..X7 = X distance 8-bit
two's complement value -128 to +127
Y0..Y7 = Y distance 8-bit
two's complement value -128 to +127
Logitech/mouse systems corp. mouse flavour
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 L M R Byte 0
X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0 Byte 1
Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 Byte 2
X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0 Byte 3
Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 Byte 4
L = Left Button (1 when pressed)
M = Middle Button (1 when pressed)
R = Right Button (1 when pressed)
X0..X7 = X distance 8-bit
two's complement value -127 to +127
Y0..Y7 = Y distance 8-bit
two's complement value -127 to +127
As you can see, a serial mouse driver is really easy to implement.