"We are ugly but we have the music ..."
If you'd like your mix posted here please either send me a copy or let me know where I can download it. I'd love for this page to be fleshed out with a few dozen more dj noder types. I am just looking for 'mixes', however, not 'compilations'.
All of my mixes posted here have a word file containing a track list and notes as well as front and back cover art .jpegs. The word files are the same as the E2 superdocs. Someday in a world that's beautiful and nice my friends will give me the track lists for the mixes they made and then we'll all drink happy juice and be tall and good looking.
If you cannot see the username / password / URL link below please msg dem bones - assuming he asked you here in the first place (otherwise you're not supposed to be able to see it).
% return unless exists($HTMLVARS{'group_gods'}{$$USER{user_id}}) or isApproved(getNode('The Music Makers', 'usergroup'), $USER); my $unpass = getVars(getNode("euphorics", "setting")); return "Please upload your musics via SFTP to baracus.netpimp.com
Username: $$unpass{username}
Password: $$unpass{password}
Download Directory '; %
Contents of directory:
by dem bones:
- Remixes
- Smack, Snapple and Pop
- Accidental Poisoning In Humans
- Mixture's Rich
- Two Hours on the Bottom (Weeknight Sound Track)
- Saturday Night at the Park (Weekend Sound Track)
- Stage
- Balcony
- Pit
- Vicar or Whatever
- I'm In Love With Massachusetts ( ... drive on by ... )
- One Monkey Don't Start the Show
- Yesterday's Favorite
- Upstairs
- Digital Mix Tapes: (these were once cassette mixes and are now all split into two mp3 tracks, with a few tracks cut)
- Got Bones?
- Resonance
- Acid Meets Bass
- Pop Rocks
- Watered Sugar
- Pretty Girls Make Graves
- Secondaries: (singles)
- The Cure - New Day (tasty mix)
- Prodigy - Breathe (more music mix)
- Radiohead - The National Anthem (howling)
- Godsmack - Voodoo (dannye does drugs)
- Moby - Porcelin (clubbed to death by bukowski)
- Radiohead - Everything in its Right Place (I'd Rather Not)
- Underworld - 8 Ball (ROBOTS!)
by the frame:
- Round Round Robin
- A Little Bit Of This
- Alpha - 1975
- Disturbance of the Piece
- Perceptions - Mindscapes - 180 and the Letter G
- ideath'S mix
- The Down Side
- Easy Way Out
by lawnjart:
- Track One
- Roll With Force
- The Two Thousandth Winter
- Two O'Clock in the Morning, Ninety Four Degrees... (Weekend Sound Track)
- You Have To Be In Hell To See Heaven (Weekend Sound Track)
- long ride home, starshine
- at most, spheres
by robnotrob:
- Good Times
by nate:
- Neat Flows
- Merry Xmas Mutations 2000
by aphexious:
by rbcg:
the great late movement- I have been orbiting this planet for thirty-seven years, and am just now starting to experience reentry (weeknight sound track)
- hurt pie (weeknight sound track)
bistro session (for jart)The Rock Action (redux)opiated smoking tabletsfamous sea chanties from the asphalt triangleswankyville sessionlaboratorium sessiondivorcing jehovahelevator eye and pay (space elevator music)101085- battel
we're all right bluesshortcut attention spanpress pausepirate-a-gogozombees ate my hed- sunbed sienna (the cracker barrel)
nineteen natural perils- four worries
- provigil for the wicked
- Happy Hour at Club Limbo
- k = cs
- on the breakdown
- new space boredom
- give me five minutes and i will give you your life
- arr ess (jamaican lager)
- kid noise
by briiiiian:
by dann:
by The Corinthians:
Goofing around on Round Round Robin