I wrote this peom in iambic pentameter. It's a story based off of some of the major arcana of the Tarot. I posted it to the shakespeare discord and it was critiqued a bit more harshly than I had hoped, but I'm still a liiiiiittle proud of it I guess.

It's about two lovers who ascend a magical tower that supposedly leads to heaven, but their love is so strong that the angels are jealous and kill one of the lovers. His love prevents her body from rotting, and he carries her up the tower, hoping to bring her back when they get to heaven, but he gets sick and dies, and they both end up in hell. 



ascending the tower now, the lovers,

from world to world, they traveled upward, far,

in search of heaven, sought the glinting star,

under the death of the sun's fading light,

the moon rose then, the day swallowed by night,

but the angels were jealous of their love,

and death descended upon her, under

a swinging moon's looming, tortured lament,

angels' judgement cast her into torment,

he brought her heavenward, up the tower,

in his love he carried her, sought heaven,

from hell, he would lift her upward instead,

her body, refusing to rot, still dead,

never saw heaven, as fortune's wheel spins,

he sunk into his illness, into his sins,

they sought heaven, but they met hell instead,

the angels aloft in hatred, justice,

unmet, unknown, starry, dirty, dead



How many arcana can you spot?

(The Tower, The Lovers, The World, The Star, The Sun, The Moon, Judgement, The Wheel of Fortune, Justice)

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