The Star Trek uber-OS. Runs on top of the Optical Data Network, or ODN (think 1000bFX or Fibre Channel). It has a very cool UI that is probably an Ergonomists nightmare. We wish LCARS was real but there is no way it can be:
- In the Star trek universe, software plarform independance just seems natural, as does file formats. XML never worked this well.
- The Federation ships seem to use the same networking and communcation protocols as the Romulans.
- Unicode support is standard and actually works, it seems, probably to support the 80000+ characters in the Breen language.
- Never any slow screen refreshes or swap file paging.
- No shareware nag screens.
- No banner ads.
- The LCARS kernel never needs to be recompiled. Hell, I'm not even sure LCARS has a kernel.