King Fahad University of Petroleum & Minerals (Jami'at Al Malek Fahad Lil Batrol Wal Ma'Aden).

A research university located in the Eastern Province of Saudi between Dharhan camp & Khobar city, Officially Founded in 1963. Statistics may vary, on an average of 5000 enrolling students annually only 300 or so will graduate. Reflecting its tough to complete curriculum and its insane Math & Physics courses that causes every one to drop out.

Acceptance is highly competitive, A student must earn 80% or above on the national 12th grade exam to be considered for acceptance. The national 12th grade exams covers some 15 courses. 4 in religion "Theology, Jurisprudence, Hadeeth, Qur'an" , 2 in Arabic "Poetry, Grammar", 4 in Science "Math, Chemistry, Biology, Physics", an English and a computer course just to name some.

Enrolled students gets paid by the Saudi government 1000 Riyals each month, which is equal to 266 U.S. Dollars. This is not considered to be student aid and the students are not expected to pay back what the government pays them.

KFUPM on the web:

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