Happy Birthday to me. I am 46 today.

The world is full of magic and balloons, and I'm so glad to be a part of it.

The roles I play in it are the same, but with new permutations and new understandings. Sometimes all it takes is a clearing of the air for new things to develop, and maybe a little bravery to say the words and do the things. But at the end of it, at the bottom of it, is all the wonders.

It's boring to talk about work, so I will just say that the capitalism sure do be capitalisming. To the point where, for the first time in my life, I find myself contemplating what something different might look like. It feels selfish to even presume such ideas. So egotistical to assume that something better could be for me, if I want to do the work and put the effort into it. Instead, I'm approach it like it is some kind of dabbling I am doing. A strange kind of experiment I'm running, while I militantly ignore the looming goal that this is inevitably pointed toward. Perhaps I'll have more to say about this next year, if I keep this up.

I'm looking forward to a year full of traveling again, which is a delight. So much of that is hidden behind logistics, so it's hard to know exactly what it will hold. But I'll be back in Northern Ontario at the end of August, and enjoying the potentially new pattern of a new part of Michigan for Thanksgiving. And then as much of going home as I can. And weirdly Tallahassee at the beginning of next summer? I've not been, but I know what to expect.

The world is weird and juicy, and I love thinking about it.

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