user since
Wed Apr 28 1999 at 22:09:08 (25.4 years ago )
last seen
Sun Jun 26 2005 at 10:03:46 (19.2 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / -3
mission drive within everything
obfuscate the subliminal
Savannah College of Art and Design
Not in the face, not in the face!
most recent writeup
full ride (thing)
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Ahhh Huvah you wonder, who is Huvah. Well Huvah is the all powerful, all knowing, supreme ruler of all. So you say, "Is Huvah God?" Huvah is NOT God. Huvah does not create rocks which are to heavy for him to lift. Huvah however does rule this planet. Huvah descended out of the heavens a great many days ago. He descended with the sole purpose of total and utter and (not to mention) complete domination of the world. While you may not remember the Armageddon, it did happen. Huvah Rode in on his most glorious of the all-terrain amphibious vehicles, his Mutha Huvah Crizzaftah. What is a Huvah Crizzaftah you may ask? Well if you don't know I cannot tell you. Regardless, Huvah Descended out of the heavens with His Chosen Ones. If you don't know who they are, chances are that you aren't one of them. Within days Huvah's Chosen Ones completely obliterated the puny forces of this planet and it in the name of Huvah.