Generation AI has arrived. And so, this is my thesis.

For about the past century, mankind has seen fit to name its "generations" -- The Silent Generation, The Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Millennials, and so on. We've seen "Generation Alpha" used as such an generational identifier for the post-GenZ youth, but that throwback to olden-time Greek letter naming systems fails to appreciate Modern times.... or better yet, it fAIls to appreciate the times.

For the ones coming up are in an historically unique Generation -- the one set to actually see the shift from a pre-AI-world to a fully post-AI-world through to its end.

Boomers will be the last generation to fully die in their first century-and-change of life. Millennials (my own generation, as it happens) will have a hard time keeping up with the "new" (and many will pine for the old, especially as technology becomes more physically integrated into bodies). Generation Z somehow imagine themselves as the last real generation, and perhaps AI is indeed their societal apocalypse.

But the new Generation, the ones who will barely remember a world without AI, will be the ones able to rebuild the world around the full potential of AI. They may not be the inventors of the tech, but they are surely position to be its perfectors, insofar as perfection may come by way of it.

I am in some sense championing this. I do not claim to be the coiner of the name, but I have seen it early on and I know something which will take hold when I see it. So, yes, let's call them Generation AI!! But in a greater sense, I don't think I really need to. This is inevitable. I'm just waving the signal to light the view of the tide rolling in. Blessings!!

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