The shout for Unrelenting Force in the language of the dragons, at least in Skyrim. When you master the "Thu'um", or ability to speak the dragon language and understand the meaning behind the words, you can unleash their meaning upon the world. Indeed, it has been said that most fights between dragons can be equivalated to verbal arguments.

An example of this concept is "Yol Toor Shul!" which translates to "Fire inferno sun!" As you might expect, this shout lets you breathe fire.

Fus Ro Dah! is called Unrelenting Force for a reason- it translates to "Force balance push!". While the Dragonborn can only throw npcs with this spell (and pretty damn far, at that!), fans theorize that powerful dragons could've had the power and understanding within them to utilize it to move mountains, though take that with a grain of salt. 

In short, never start an argument with a Dovahkiin. It could be your last.


( is a really good resource for all this stuff)

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