Eostre is a somewhat
obselete Western/Northern European
goddess. She is a form of the
Phonecian fertility goddess,
(a very thorough wu is at
Nowadays, she is worshipped only by a polytheistic messianic cult known as the "Christians" on their arcane
holiday known as "Easter". Rather than honoring her with good, clean orgies like the ancients did, they insist on
performing disgusting ceremonies involving young children, eggs, and hidden crevices. They horribly tattoo
the eggs with primal symbols of "fertility" (by which I mean "bunnies", if you get my drift). They then force their
children to scurry about on their hands and knees, gathering the eggs with all speed. The children are awarded as though
they are animals, a mocking reminder of the days when infants were sacrificed in fire to the great
daemon-god Malek.
It goes without saying that the immoral rites of these so-called "god-fearing" sex-worshipers must be stopped.
However, their influence pervades our society at every level: even President Bush openly admits that he is
a Christian! Obviously, the only option that remains for truly decent human beings everywhere is open and bloody
revolt. This threat to humanity must be snuffed out once and for all.