The Dragon School
The Dragon is a prep school in North Oxford it is a mixed school and although today there are significantly more boys than girls the number of girls is increasing all the time. The main school goes for 8 to 13 years while the junior school (Lynams) goes from 3 to 8. The main school has about 650 pupils about 250 of whom are boarders. The years are called E block though to A block (E block being the youngest). The school was founded in 1880 and since then it has enjoyed great sporting and academic success (routinely getting 20 or more scholarships a year.)
The school motto is “ardus ad solem” (strive for the sun) and the school song captures the spirit of the school in the lines:
”Yet a weather cock glistens on high
And upon it a Dragon seated
And the words on that tin mean go in and win
And the dragon is rarely defeated
(Incidentally the “weather cock” is on top of the boys toilets)
The dragon school staff are all (in my experience) of the highest calibre being helpful and considerate as well as extremely competent teachers and it they more than all excellent facilities and grounds that make the school as good as it is.
If you happen to be at the Dragon or be an old dragon could you please msg me because I'm sure you're out there and I'd like to know who you are.