Lynceus - Hypermestra
                           Abas - Aglaea
    |                                             |
Acrisius - Eurydice                            Proetus - Stheneboea (see Table 36)
         |                                             |
         |                                             |
         |                                      _______|_______
         |                                      |             |
Zeus - Danae                             the Proetides   Megapenthes
  Perseus - Andromeda
  |         |                     |                |      |                    |                            |
Perses   Alceus - Astydamia   Sthenelus - Nicippe  |    Mestor - Lysidice  Electryon - Anaxo...- Media  Gorgophone - Perieres
                |                       |          |           |                     |         |              (see Table 19)
                |                       |       Heleius        |                     |         |
   _____________|_____    ______________|______          Hippothoe - Poseidon        |       Licymnius - Periede
   |                 |    |    |   |    |     |                    |                 |                  |
Amphitryon - Alcmene | Alcyone | Medusa | Eurytheus - Antimache    |            Alcmene - Amphityon     |
      Zeus -         |         |        |           |              |                    |           ____|____________
           |     Anaxon   Astymedusa  Iphis         |              |                    |           |       |       |
           |                                        |              |-Chromius           |        Oeomus  Argeius  Melas
       ____|________                                |-Admete       |-Tyrannus           |
       |           |                                |-Alexander    |-Antiochus          |-Stratobates
    Heracles   Iphicles - Automedusa                |-Iphimedon    |-Chersidamas        |-Gorgophonus
(see Table 15)          |                           |-Eurybius     |-Mestor             |-Phylonomus
                        |                           |-Mentor       |-Everes             |-Celaenus
                     Iolaus                         |-Perimedes    |-Comaetho           |-Amphimachus
                        |                                                               |-Lysinomus
                        |                                                               |-Chirimachus
                 Leipephile - Phylas                                                    |-Anactor
                            |                                                           |-Archelaus
                      |         |
                   Hippotes   Thero - Apollo
                      |             |
                      |             |
                   Aletes        Chaeron

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