Bur"y (?), n. [See 1st Borough.]
A borough; a manor; as, the Bury of St. Edmond's
; -- used as a termination of names of places; as, Canter
bury, Shrews
A manor house; a castle.
[Prov. Eng.]
To this very day, the chief house of a manor, or the lord's seat, is called bury, in some parts of England.
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Bur"y (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Buried (#); p. pr. & vb. n. Burying (#).] [OE. burien, birien, berien, AS. byrgan; akin to beorgan to protect, OHG. bergan, G. bergen, Icel. bjarga, Sw. berga, Dan. bierge, Goth. ba�xa1;rgan. &root;95. Cf. Burrow.]
To cover out of sight, either by heaping something over, or by placing within something, as earth, etc.; to conceal by covering; to hide; as, to bury coals in ashes; to bury the face in the hands.
And all their confidence
Under the weight of mountains buried deep.
Specifically: To cover out of sight, as the body of a deceased person, in a grave, a tomb, or the ocean; to deposit (a corpse) in its resting place, with funeral ceremonies; to inter; to inhume.
Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.
Matt. viii. 21.
I'll bury thee in a triumphant grave.
To hide in oblivion; to put away finally; to abandon; as, to bury strife.
Give me a bowl of wine
In this I bury all unkindness, Cassius.
Burying beetle Zool., the general name of many species of beetles, of the tribe Necrophaga; the sexton beetle; -- so called from their habit of burying small dead animals by digging away the earth beneath them. The larvae feed upon decaying flesh, and are useful scavengers. -- To bury the hatchet, to lay aside the instruments of war, and make peace; -- a phrase used in allusion to the custom observed by the North American Indians, of burying a tomahawk when they conclude a peace.
Syn. -- To intomb; inter; inhume; inurn; hide; cover; conceal; overwhelm; repress.
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