This poem is for an ex-girlfriend. I'm not bitter.
Breathing Heart
I put you on a Pedestal and You Went Down on it.
for lish
"To laugh means: To be malicious but with good conscience." --Friedrich Nietzsche
Love: dick and prick thou art most fluent with.
Thy tongue is far from lame, impaled as ‘tis.
Beauty: I see jade eyes from where I sit,
But I see I am soaked in my own piss.
And while my father-stuff crusts in thine hair
A leash, a chain: step further into pain.
Mind not, do I, for this is life in rare
Form, purity in hell, and pure in shame.
Thou wear thy heart upon thy chest, a cold
Dead medical dissection, very true!
Though thee hast love, it is for thee! My old
Tired soul hath lost thy love and hath turn blue.
Thou will call me weak. Fuck thee! Up thine ass!
Thou suffocate my heart? Thou art my past.