user since
Mon May 17 1999 at 16:46:02 (25.3 years ago )
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never (?)
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0 (Initiate) / 2
most recent writeup
japh (person)
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I can sense you thinking to yourself, "Who is this infamous Aryeh?" I hate speaking about myself, but I'll give you some hints:
I can be found in Brooklyn, NY; perhaps I am the guy hanging around in Sheepshead Bay. You might. find me in the subway, playing a guitar - people in the past have refered to me as a streetmusician. I spend most my time infront of a computer screen. Perl programming is what I find myself doing most the time around my office - japh. That and. converting my compact discs to minidisc.

If you know me from chatting online, you might call me SirGawain or MadChattr. Purl thinks that I am an amusement park but that is untrue!!! I am a nerdling by day, a party animal by night, a beach. bum surfer wannabe in the summer, a snowboarder in the winter. I am an adventurer, an explorer, a horrible speller. I am very dedicated to my work - which my boss thinks is just a hobby. I am underpayed - but not taken for granted. I am burnt!