An interesting concept my friends and I have been toying around with. It seems that if one squeezes a mouse such that all the air is expended from its lungs, and then you quickly dunk the mouse underwater it can breath under the water, kinda like in "The Abyss". Since the dorms only allow "underwater pets" we decided we'd like to have an aqua-mouse.

We have considered feeding the mouse fish food just for fun, but may end up just having it eat wet mouse pellets. We wondered for about 3 seconds how we'd get it to drink but decided, "Aw fuck it, he lives underwater, if he can't figure out how to drink, screw him."

The idea finally got taken so far as us selling the aqua-mice to the other students. So far, around 25 rooms contain at least 1 aqua-mouse. The dorm management is not pleased, to say the least, with our little discovery, but as of yet there is no rule against Aqua-mice in the dorm. So until there is....

Aqua-mouse is a registered trademark of Water Pets Incorporated....

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