According to the Hubbard model of the human mind, the analyzer is the portion of the mind which receives data from sensory channels as well as standard memory banks, and performs computations based on this data. The analyzer itself is infallible, barring physical damage such as a transorbital leukotomy or prefrontal lobotomy or a nasty accident or fetal alcohol syndrome. However, it can only compute based on what it is given, and if it is given bad data, its answer will reflect that bad data. Bad data is usually ascribed to the reactive mind, which can modify and delete data before the analyzer proper has had a chance to look at it.
An"a*ly`zer (#), n.
One who, or that which, analyzes.
2. Opt.
The part of a polariscope which receives the light after polarization, and exhibits its properties.
© Webster 1913.
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