Time Details
2021-08-31 07:34:48 BookReader changed outside topic to '"Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the gari
2021-08-28 22:10:04 Glowing Fish changed room topic to 'Stay safe, stay cool.'
2021-08-23 08:18:24 Glowing Fish changed room topic to 'It is time that Qousqous Sees The Frogs. '
2021-08-23 08:17:00 Glowing Fish changed room topic to 'New Topic It is time that Qousqous Sees The Frogs'
2021-08-22 00:34:44 andycyca changed room topic to 'I hope this video makes everyone feel cooler.'
2021-08-04 23:27:55 andycyca changed room topic to 'I hope this video makes everyone feel cooler. | Andycyca sez: Help wanted! Calling all noders Here's the why'
2021-08-04 19:28:55 andycyca changed room topic to 'I hope this video makes everyone feel cooler. | Andycyca sez: Help wanted! Calling all noders'
2021-08-03 08:09:43 Glowing Fish changed room topic to 'I hope this video makes everyone feel cooler.'
2021-08-01 00:49:40 Clockmaker changed room topic to 'ENDUT! HOCH HECH!'
2021-07-28 17:13:32 andycyca changed room topic to 'The most important thing in the world right now is writing short, laughing long and drinking lots of water'
2021-07-22 20:35:48 Glowing Fish changed room topic to 'With everything going on in the world, text might seem like a flimsy and irrelevant thing, but trust me, it is the most important thing in the world right now. '
2021-07-20 23:39:15 Glowing Fish changed room topic to 'Should I set this as the topic every time I update this? Because I think I might be updating this a lot.'
2021-07-10 19:50:26 Zephronias changed room topic to 'Brevity Quest 2021 continues. Also, welcome to the internet. '
2021-07-10 08:16:46 vongrim changed room topic to 'Changing the topic because my accumulated GP is like hoarded money. No use if not spent. '
2021-07-01 19:36:22 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Brevity Quest 2021 is ongoing. '
2021-06-27 20:55:57 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Brevity Quest 2021 is coming, shortly.'
2021-06-18 20:12:34 Tem42 changed room topic to 'SciFiQuest 3021: The Quest From the Black Lagoon judging is complete, and GP awarded. Thank you to all who participated! '
2021-06-06 14:11:34 Tem42 changed room topic to 'The quest is over, and rewards will be distributed before the end June 3021.'
2021-05-24 03:42:41 andycyca changed room topic to 'Strange noises come from behind your eyeballs... getting louder... louder... could it be... SciFiQuest 3021: The Quest From the Black Lagoon!'
2021-05-21 16:26:38 andycyca changed room topic to 'Strange noises come from behind your eyeballs... getting louder... louder... could it be... SciFiQuest 3021: The Quest From the Black Lagoon! |A new Enchilada is upon us, and some previous prizes a
2021-05-17 00:12:25 andycyca changed room topic to 'Strange noises come from behind your eyeballs... getting louder... louder... could it be... SciFiQuest 3021: The Quest From the Black Lagoon!'
2021-05-14 17:41:35 andycyca changed room topic to 'Strange noises come from behind your eyeballs... getting louder... louder... could it be... SciFiQuest 3021: The Quest From the Black Lagoon! 🤖 Word Enchilada S01E06 is live!'
2021-05-07 15:23:22 andycyca changed room topic to 'Strange noises come from behind your eyeballs... getting louder... louder... could it be... SciFiQuest 3021: The Quest From the Black Lagoon! The Enchilada Master says: Take time to write some scifi, because th
2021-04-29 10:46:49 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Strange noises come from behind your eyeballs... getting louder... louder... could it be... SciFiQuest 3021: The Quest From the Black Lagoon! '
2021-04-27 01:15:10 Tem42 changed room topic to 'We have been informed that it is indeed possible to crystallize mice. Apologies for any confusion caused by the previous announcement. '
2021-04-24 03:04:06 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Mice don't crystallize, but time may. The Enchilada freezes for 24 solid, sharp, bonus hours; use this windfall wisely. Scribe on. '
2021-04-22 23:33:16 andycyca changed room topic to 'Strange mice are under your floorboards. The smell of freshly baked bread is just outside, but your windows are closed. The next Enchilada will be delayed 24 hours and will allow for more time to write. Carry on!'
2021-04-21 23:19:27 andycyca changed room topic to 'Strange mice are under your floorboards. The smell of freshly baked bread is just outside, but your windows are closed. Enchilada points currently traveling through time'
2021-04-21 01:39:21 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Enchilada prizes for S01E03 have been distributed. Strange mice are under your floorboards. The smell of freshly baked bread is just outside, but your windows are closed.'
2021-04-20 01:53:52 andycyca changed room topic to 'Enchilada prizes for S01E03 are on their way after I finish doing Enchilada things tonight'
2021-04-08 19:30:10 andycyca changed room topic to 'The next Enchilada is almost upon us! But the Enchilada Master will be back when his mental health improves a bit. We thank you for your patience'
2021-03-30 16:33:56 Auduster changed room topic to 'As far as we know e2 is not currently broken. We are probably wrong.'
2021-03-30 12:47:38 lizardinlaw changed room topic to '[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/03/30/health-202-it-fair-be-concerned-about-vaccine-passports-they-wouldnt-violate-hipaa-law/?utm_campaign=wp_the_health_202&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_
2021-03-29 23:02:16 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Jet-Poop borged the E2 messaging system; messages sent after the evening of the 28th have been eaten by the void. As of server time 23:00, March 29th, the system is back up.'
2021-03-29 21:15:35 Stasik changed room topic to 'Jet-Poop borged the E2 messaging system; messages sent after the evening of the 28th may have been eaten by the void. We are working on it.'
2021-03-29 21:14:24 Stasik changed room topic to 'Jet-Poop borged the E2 messaging system; your messages may not go through.'
2021-03-29 21:09:30 Tem42 changed room topic to 'The E2 messaging system is having troubles; messages sent after the evening of the 28th may have been eaten by the void. We are working on it. '
2021-03-29 21:07:48 Stasik changed room topic to 'Jet-Poop borged the E2 messaging system; your messages may not go through.'
2021-03-29 21:06:52 Tem42 changed room topic to 'The E2 messaging system is having troubles; your messages may not go through. '
2021-03-29 21:05:12 Tem42 changed room topic to 'The E2 messaging system is having troubles; your messages may not go through. '
2021-03-26 00:59:14 andycyca changed room topic to 'Word Enchilada S01E03 starts this Friday at noon in whatever time zone you observe! Please be patient with the Enchilada Master, he's been busy'
2021-03-15 17:31:11 andycyca changed room topic to 'Prizes for Word Enchilada S01E02 to come soon, thank you all for participating!'
2021-03-11 16:23:10 andycyca changed room topic to 'Do *you* live in Auckland? If so, you may begin the Enchilada in about 6 hours. If not, **wait for Friday Noon** in whatever timezone you are'
2021-03-08 18:21:54 andycyca changed room topic to 'Word Enchilada S01E02 coming to an Everything2 near you, this weekend!'
2021-02-28 21:04:10 andycyca changed room topic to 'Word Enchilada S01E01 is pretty much over everywhere! thanks to participants, and don't forget to send feedback, either to your fellow enchilados or to the enchilada master. See you in... a week? Maybe two?'
2021-02-26 02:14:14 andycyca changed room topic to 'New TopicThe Micro Quest is now known as Word Enchilada and the first installment starts Friday 12PM wherever you are. Don't spoil the theme for yourself until just before the
2021-02-25 19:11:32 andycyca changed room topic to 'The Micro Quest is now known as Word Enchilada and the first installment starts Friday 12PM wherever you are!'
2021-02-24 00:48:34 andycyca changed room topic to 'Micro Quests are coming soon! Watch this space for updates and/or ask andycyca'
2021-02-22 02:00:00 andycyca changed room topic to 'Micro Quests are coming soon! Just as soon as the e2 gods read and vet the rules. Watch this space for updates'
2021-02-11 01:34:13 andycyca changed room topic to 'Feb 15--21 is OpinionQuest 2021, what do you think about that? Another Quest coming shortly after that...'
