Heisenberg's Everything2 Podcast continues into its second record-setting month with auditory versions of e2 writeups. Heisenberg asks for more contributions from the noder community. Please help him to make this venture really succeed! The Everything2 Podcast is available for itunes or gpodder at:


NEW! Back in the regular alternate week cycle, podcast Nr 5 is a dazzling spectacle of linguistics, poetry, weird stories, bears and a perm.


Direct download at http://e2podcast.spunkotronic.com/e2podcast6.mp3

Happy listening,


Podcast 4. 21.9.06. Nodes

Direct download link is: http://e2podcast.spunkotronic.com/e2pod5.mp3

Read more, including listings for 'casts #1, #2, and #3, at The Everything2 Podcast.