| Title | by | Type |
1 |
And Mother burst forth, green and beautiful (fiction) |
Excalibur |
writeup |
2 |
Report from an office that is sinking (idea) |
Yurei |
writeup |
3 |
Delight (person) |
Zach |
writeup |
4 |
One should expect as much from a machine (person) |
killermonkeys |
writeup |
5 |
The ocean will one day give up its dead (fiction) |
taravel |
writeup |
6 |
The Extraordinary Adventures of Captain Jefferson Malarky (fiction) |
wonkyx |
writeup |
7 |
The Gingerbread House (dream) |
lostcauser |
writeup |
8 |
Rot Knocks (idea) |
sheramil |
writeup |
9 |
We once played this same game, but with only our words (place) |
gate |
writeup |
10 |
Tales of Rancho Nuevo |
category |
11 |
Chucky's vagina (fiction) |
TheDeadGuy |
writeup |
12 |
Mr. Tickles saves the world (fiction) |
thalio |
writeup |
13 |
Hello Individual; (how-to) |
WhereAreTheWaffles |
writeup |
14 |
Word Enchilada S01E01 (dream) |
Jet-Poop |
writeup |
15 |
Word Enchilada S01E01 (dream) |
BookReader |
writeup |
16 |
the smell of you on the stale air is irresistible (fiction) |
TanisNikana |
writeup |
17 |
Junebug (fiction) |
henry flower |
writeup |
18 |
Zeursg (person) |
Frankie |
writeup |