If you find any nodes you think should be in this category, message the maintainer (or an editor) with your suggestion.

Maintained By: wertperch

1 LieQuest 2013   e2node
2 Shenzhen Glyph Stone (thing) kozmund writeup
3 Tequila Tremble (thing) jessicaj writeup
4 Felix-Julien-Jean Nadjarian de Mulhouse (person) Hazelnut writeup
5 Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Behold (review) fool4luv writeup
6 The truth shall set you free (fiction) borgo writeup
7 A short tall tale about The Queen of England (person) moeyz writeup
8 Drugs are only for cool kids (thing) Glowing Fish writeup
9 Everglades Goliath Gecko (essay) Zed_Alpha writeup
10 FoTurkey (thing) wertperch writeup
11 Frehlan Torpedo (thing) Transitional Man writeup
12 Blackwall Park (thing) LeftUnspoken writeup
13 El Cid (person) LeoDV writeup
14 The Mighty Fitz (person) Hommerabi writeup
15 Travelogue: New Britain, Connecticut (place) shaogo writeup
16 Communist Party of China Fashion Expo (event) Sol Invictus writeup
17 Commerce Anxiety Disorder (idea) borgo writeup
18 ...said the liar (thing) Pandeism Fish writeup
19 May 15, 2012 (log) Zed_Alpha writeup
20 Fleshlight (thing) wertperch writeup
21 Paul Krugman (person) Jet-Poop writeup
22 Jay Bonci (person) wertperch writeup
23 Stu Savage & The Band Of Destiny (personal) Stuart writeup
24 The Patron Saint of Liars (person) Zephronias writeup
25 Roulez (thing) e2reneta writeup
26 The Deja Vu Tour (idea) moeyz writeup
27 Jay Bonci (person) moeyz writeup