Karl Barth, a German theologian who pioneered the school of theological thought known as neo-orthodoxy, was forceful in his belief that God (and therefore Jesus Christ), if He be truly God, cannot be reduced to any kind of modern/post-modern intellectual construct, nor can He be defined (that is, His being fully circumscribed) strictly in terms of our humanness (individually or corporately). In a nutshell:

"God is not `man' said with a loud voice."

The challenge of Christian theology (and particular systematic theology) has always been to find language that somehow bridges the semantic gap between our humanness and God's Godness. Reductionist and humanist theologies (in vogue in seminaries for the last two centuries, more or less) are uninteresting to the neo-orthodox theologian because they have given up on one of the oldest tensions in Christian theology: that between the otherness of Jesus Christ as God and His humanness as a man.