This has been a week full of suck. Oh, there were some fun times; spent a lot of time with cassparadox, ate some good food, and read some good books. Unfortunately some of the food, while tasting great, really jacked up my blood sugar which messed up my head. And I got bitched out by my friends for this stupidity, which was right and just.

I also got bitched out for taking 18 credits this semester. This was neither right nor just. I had mentioned this several times, before, during and after the registration process. Nobody said anything at the time. Now I am having it pointed out to me that even college kids, even certified genius kids, crash and burn with 18 credit loads. Now it is being suggested that I may have fatally overloaded my ass. Now, when it is too God-damned late to do anything about it.

My friends have made a serious mistake here. They understand that I am still coming out of depression, but they do not understand how my headspace has changed in the last three decades. I don't need to excel in these courses. I just need to pass with a C. And I'm going to do it, because nothing motivates me like spite. Well, there's love, I guess. The inventory's a bit low on that at the moment, though. Might want to check back later.