Beer, champagne, lambrusco and certain soft drinks contain CO2 (due to a different production process though, see e.g. carbonating beer), and therefore are called carbonated solutions (ok, ok, some beers are suspensions because of the yeast in the bottle. Netman: a suspension is a liquid with solid particles, when you’re patient enough, these particles precipitate to the bottom of the bottle or glass; centrifugation speeds up this process).

Chilled carbonated drinks have less bubbles, because the lower temperature causes the carbon dioxide to dissolve in the liquid, whereas with higher temperatures more CO2 is in the gaseous state. This results in a higher pressure in the closed bottle or can because an x amount of molecules in the gas state takes up more space than the same amount in liquid/dissolved form. Thus when shaking and opening a bottle of champagne at room temperature, you can spill (spoil) more of it.