Woke up on this morning, with visions of a werewolf trying to take advantage of me in the saw palms by my parent's. I never did trust dogs.....

My co-worker, Sheila, took Pamela, her wife Jillian and me out for drinks and tarot readings at the Purple Moon last night. I was the last to be read, and let's just say the woman freaked out. I was only supposed to be in there for 15 mins, I ended up walking out almost 45 mins later. She had nothing to say of my love life, except that I expect to be loved like a leo, becuase that's where my Venus is. I enjoy being cherished, but I don't think I deserve it because of the cancer. I had an opening of doors in 1998, and those doors are about to open again, or shall we say the veil will be lifted. She then asked me to be her partner in a children's book. I won't hold my breath, I have heard this how many times now? Well, she is an older woman, and she lives half the year in Vegas so maybe this is a good partnership. She said to concentrate on my livelihood, as I will own my own business by July. Funny she should mention that.....

I have an interview set up with the owner of a local coffee shop/gallery. Keep your fingers crossed, I think this may be my debut.

After this, I went drunkenly out to start shit with my brother. We decided to prey upon the innocence of the town and a few black and tans.

Going to AZ to spend the holidays with half of my family. His half. This is good, I didn't know how I was going to make it through this season without them.

Mom called today. She is about 2 cms away from a huge confession. If I weren't playing for my own team, I'd send her my strength.

And the Geek Tarot is in the works........hmmm, hmmm. Exploit what you know.

And the teeth are rotting out of my head. No, my wisdom is just sprouting forth. No, I really need to invest in some morphine, a wrench, and some suture kits. Got to get these damn things out, I can't think straight!!

A decent day.......