Since the day i heard the band until today, Iron Maiden has always been the most influential band for me. With their lyrics and feelings they give me, i easily and comfortly passed my angry teenage phase.

It was when i was 7 years old, i was so jealous of my brother's t-shirt and cried until my mom got me an Iron Maiden t-shirt too. Then after i grew up, i got into metal, i learned English and they had the best lyrics i've ever read. Like the songs, hallowed be thy name (it tells a story of a prisoner going to execution, best part is "as the guards march me out to the courtyard someone calls from a cell 'god be with you' if there's a god then why has he let me die?") or wasted years (it tells us to be proud and strong, which it is very important for a teenager].

Their first two albums can be described by new type of rock'n roll with non-sense lyrics, but with thrash metal and their political lyrics, Iron Maiden started to write some lyrics that make sense. For example, instead of writing "walking through the city looking oh so pretty i’ve just got to find my way,"(Prowler, album Iron Maiden) they started to write "white man came across the sea he brought us pain and misery killed our tribes killed our creed took our game for his own need" (Run to the Hills, album Number of the Beast.

The last but not least, they are not just rockstars, they are more human than anybody in the scene. Steve Harris is a West Ham United and football fan, Bruce Dickinson is an author and also a captain, he says "at the moment i'm flying planes full-time and it's now my proper day job until the maiden tour next year." He's also a fencer. You can see them in normal day life in the of Wasted Years

The other releases of Iron Maiden as follows:
Rock in Rio
Released in 2002, live album. It is the most crowded metal concert ever, there was 250.000 people watching this great show. I reckon that you also find a bootleg of this concert.
Edward The Great
Released in 2002, best of
Beast Over Hammersmith
Released in 2002, live album, part of the eddie's archive box
Best Of The B Sides
Released in 2002, best of, part of the eddie's archive box
The Bbc Archives
Released in 2002, live album, part of the eddie's archive box
Dance Of Death
Released in 2003
Bruce Dickinson: vocals
Dave Murray: guitars
Janick Gers: guitars
Adrian Smith: guitars
Steve Harris: bass guitar
Nicko McBrain: drums