In Canada, we see a major plus from taxes--our free health system, what we call medicare, what americans cal single payer. It is not yet perfect, but when I broke my ankle just before Christmas, I just walked into an emergency room, and got my cast. Then I could go for aftercare--and I didn't need to show any kind of card, or check, or whatever.

I am not opposed to paying my fair share. But I was angered some years ago, when a Bronfman, the family that owned Seagram's, the company that makes booze, then bought Universal Studios, and Polygram Records pulled a scam.

A Bronfman family investment fund, worth about 2 billion dollars Canadian--not much American maybe, but a hell of a lot here--was allowed to leave the country without paying its tax liability. Its exposure was 800 million dollars Canadian. Even if the full amount wasn't collected--they never collect the full amount of my tax exposure, what's fair is fair--but they didn't collect a cent.

As usual, it is the poor that pay more. As part of tax simplification a few years ago, the bottom rate, mine, was raised from 13% to 17%, no doubt to compensate the government for the lose of income when it lowered the rates for middle and higher income persons.

If the rich don't have to pay--Why should I?