Netherlands, you don't realize how bad your health care system is. You are required by law to pay an extra charge above the tax for a corporation which provides, at the lowest cost, absolutely nothing but access to essential health care, i.e.: access to medication, which is essential when you have chronic disease; and access to an actual doctor as opposed to a GP whose job is basically only to stall your referral to the hospital, where the real doctors work (only on traditional 9-5 working time, of course, make sure not to need medical help on the weekend) and where the emergency line only answers to imminent death threats (”bleeding out”, “changing colors”…).

You have all of the health care monopolized, decoupled and served over a subscription model run by a handful of corporations. This is peak neoliberalism — “so it should provide better quality, right?” Not quite: you get absolutely nothing except the barest access to medication and doctors, and on some cases not even that — because, I hear, “there is a shortage of doctors, we can’t supply the demand” but the hospital is always quiet, and if they are required by law to see you ASAP there is always a slot available tomorrow… so I don't know about that.

The point is: regardless of the quality of the service, 1) you hardly get access to it because you have to go through a bureaucratic process designed to stall you to get any help, and besides 2) you get to pay for all of the medication and such by yourself (I don't know about exams, but don't worry about those yet if you're new, it took me freaking 7 months to even get a request).

This is what this industry provides for the bare minimum price which you are obliged to pay: exactly the bare minimum access to an essential service that people NEED to live! It is the job of the Govt to provide everything that you need to live (according to who?)! You pay around 40% in taxes already FFS!

And never mind having a more time-efficient, less anxiety-inducing service at a higher cost, like you have in countries with both public and private systems: there is only one monolithic private system, and the poor access and the "bare minimum treatment"that everybody has to deal with. This industry is failing you! I bet they are profiting a lot from this system, but you don’t get anything beyond your basic right to health without paying extra in money, time and energy.