I cut myself off from the news and most of social networking. It's been tough even after such a short time. I just couldn't stand seeing , even seeing it through the lens of my ridiculously small friend group - many of whom I met here. I don't want to see news because I don't want to even see the outrage that exists and the celebrations on the other side. Can't do it. I have at least 4 years or more of it coming up that I'll have to endure it.

Still, I can't see what's happened through the lens of such outrage and anger - and posting it here gives me somewhere to express it without feeling like I need to get some kind of response - from friends who already agree with so much of my own perspective. News sources only show me what I already knew a year ago and dreaded when it happened... and now it happened and it's been almost a week... and I have no real words that can make me feel anything other than this sadness and despair.

Ugh, I hate posting shit like this is such an open forum as it opens me up. Maybe it should.

I am angry that people just let this happen... by not voting, by somehow needing to be "inspired" by a candidate (something that i find laughably asinine). I have no good words for anyone right now.

But I've isolated myself now, and I don't feel as if this has been social enough for me to feel like I have to stay away from it. I can't speculate now about the future, it's all complete chaos and people have embraced chaos.

I don't see hope for the rest of my life on this world... which is sad, I think. I'm not old, I just think that the damage is going to persist long after I'm done.