She stood and closed her eyes, it was good.  

There was the music, there was the sound, there was the smell of the smoke falling around her.  She knew the lights and the feel of the beat as it hammered into her chest and out... she was full of it, the song, the flash, the stench.  
It was full of her and she felt the pounds of flesh in her hands - smooth and hard - under her fingers.  She was engorged with it, full and aware.  They were inside her - her elbows pressed against the walls, fully aware that she was no longer standing...  no longer aware.  

Bodies stroked the inside her arms, they tickled her, ground out cigarettes on her thighs and spilled drinks on her bare feet - her toes were wet and sticky.  They swelled forward- beneath her chin- to the stage and she could feel the mass pressing against her breasts, hands on her back, the feel of slick sweat from bare chests and shoulders against her face.  The taste in her mouth was sweet with sweat. 

Her eyes were closed, it was good. 

Bright light pulsed red into her eyes,  the heat lit her face -made wet trickles that ran down the side of her face.  She licked her lips and the arms that pressed against her mouth.  Fingertips brushed against her thighs and lifted her, filled, swooning, forgetful of her skin pressing down on curious fingers. Her back pressed against upturned faces, the brush of lips and hair, the scruff of faces, the barest tickle of eyelashes blinking in the drops from her shoulders.  These hands turned her and she stared wide eyed at the floor and the faces, flat palms against her nipples, her stomach, brief wet kisses against her neck and mouth- moving lips that were mute against the volume of the music.  Angry looking faces in her shadow,  they passed her among them and she was relieved in this...  faceless and nameless she felt them enter and shy away, rushes of blood in her face -  flushed - her heart pounded in time with the sound. 
On the stage she was ignored and adored.  No one made a sound but her.  Her voice rising over the mass as a single drawn note that ached in her throat - a scream, a taste of night, a sigh in her body as moved into her and she was passed back...

    back to the floor, 

She stood and opened her eyes, it was good.