The huldafolk are the shyest of faeries. They try to never be found and hide in the hills of Scandinavia. They are either human-sized and humanlike with magickal powers or else they put on that guise; they may be uninterested in showing their true shape to others. However, they do like to reward humans who are kind to them. There is a legend of a huldafolk maiden who was pregnant and began to go into labor in a field. A human woman came upon her and tried to help her, and once the baby was delivered, the huldafolk girl told her to hold out her apron and receive her reward. She was given a load of wood chips, which she unceremoniously dumped on the ground and stomped off in a huff. When she got back to her farmhouse, she noticed that the chips that still stuck to her clothes had turned to gold! She rushed back to where she'd dumped the wood chips, but they had vanished.