I know this guy I know this guy who claims he doesn't lie hardly ever at all, but he tells a lot of jokes. People can't tell when he's joking. He writes stories too, you know, "fiction." I know this guy that can't sleep. He looks at the clock 45 minutes after he goes to bed and just stares, not believing the time is right. Surely he's been in bed much longer than that. He wakes up as much as 3 and a half hours before he has to be to work. Eventually he get's out of bed and writes. As if he could empty his head. As if he could fix himself.

I know this guy that over-analyzes everything. He thinks too much, you know? He's not fluffy enough, not social enough, not caring enough. He uses the word "bullshit" too much. He just rejects everything, he puts himself outside and then complains about the cold.

I know this guy that thinks too much, he can't even finish a sentence because he wants to get it perfect. I know this guy who shares too much. I know this guy that needs a job.

I know this guy that is really tired of being told he should be more positive. I know this guy who is really hardcore. I know this guy that's a gangster. I know this guy that is really up and down. I know a guy that forces himself to write.

I know a guy who can't spell. I know a guy beyond description. I know a guy who is sick of himself. I know a guy who is so sure of himself. I know a guy who loves words. I know a guy who loves math. I actually know a lot of guys who love games.

I know a guy who is confusing, amusing, and something that doesn't quite rime.

I know a guy that has to be different. I know a guy who has to do things his way. I know a guy who mixes it up. I know a guy who changes the rules. I know a guy who is demanding.

I know all these guys, but probably if I had to choose, the most annoying of them all is the guy that can't sleep. I hate that guy.

I think I have an idea.

I need to meet some girls.