I want to write something.

But I remember the last time I submitted a writeup, it didn’t work out too well. However, I think it’s better to have a rep of +5 and -12 and one person who bookmarked it than to have no +reps or bookmarks at all.

Perhaps I was off to a good start and got scared off by feeling inadequate. I know that e2 is unfriendly to new users. Perhaps it takes persistence and an immense amount of effort to expel in a writeup for it to be accepted into the database. E2 a community that I love being an observer of, but not a participator. Thing is, I’m like that about most every group I’m in. A classroom, group discussion with acquaintances, projects… I almost never participate unless I’ve got something really important to say.

The one time I wrote and got nuked, I backed off due to some downvotes. However, I am very happy that some people actually took the time to give me positive votes. The only people who can vote are the ones who have a certain number of XP (points that one gets from writeups or “Ching!s”, I think). Perhaps the ones who liked what I wrote couldn’t vote because they didn’t have XP (like myself, who wishes that s/he could upvote people).

New users would definitely benefit from having actual feedback. /msg, perhaps? But then again, it may be best for a user to roam around e2 for a while before contributing anything. It may take some time and nuked writeups before the user finds out exactly what writeups would actually make it. I've yet to find out what writeups e2 would accept, for only this and one other writeup was ever submitted by myself.

Why does it matter so? Just shut up and write! --sam512