place in a blender

I have been very mixed up over place in my dreams recently.

A few days ago, I had just returned home to Portland on the train, and I was proposing to Kelly that we take a trip in to San Francisco the next day. She thought I was crazy. I then realized that, no, Portland is not across the Bay from SF, and there is no BART line connecting the two cities. I was dejected.

A couple days later, I was in Switzerland sitting at a table at a large outdoor café. It was during my planned trip to Germany, Austria, and the Balkans... but Switzerland has fallen out of my plan. Also, I wasn't travelling alone—a miscellaneous dream character came along. Then, suddenly, I saw the German mother of a friend of mine from high school, and then the friend, Daniel, himself, along with a classmate of his. We chatted briefly in German. I was only mildly surprised by the coincidence.

Last night I dreamt I was in the German House, where I will be living next semester. I was in my room, which I have yet to see. It was a smoking room this year, and in the dream it smelled mildly of smoke, but the house director promised to have it cleaned. There was a very tiny bathroom on the edge of my room, separated by a sliding frosted glass door. I was surprised, but pleased to see that I would have my own bathroom, even though it had ugly 60's fixtures.

I also dreamed that I was walking down Summit Avenue with someone—was it Kelly?—to get to downtown St. Paul. But rather than being a street, it was a walking path. There were hundreds of people walking downtown. Soon we came to a large gravel pit. There were no fences, but when we walked in, machines surrounded us and workers yelled at us. St. Paul's downtown was very big, and there was a ton of construction—probably every third block was a high-rise being built. We had to find another path. It was going to take a long time.