I spent years debating whether to stare out of the window, or to actually step out into the world as it witnesses the solar crowning of a newly rising planet. This planet, standing before noble stars and humble asteroids, understands the grand scale of the universe in which it resides. The planet's crown is being carried by Halley's Comet. The Comet brings with it a headpiece, laden with particles of light extracted from our very own Sun. The crown's heat is so intense that it must be stored within the Comet, to avoid permanent blinding of all other planets. To avoid collision with oncoming asteroids, the Comet makes its way through a precise, nebular route that takes years to conceive. Upon collision, a phenomenon that earthlings are forbidden to witness, the destined planet infuses with the crown, creating a plethora of encrypted light and sound that only demigods can transcribe... Several phony astronomical revelations later, I realize that I have missed the Comet, again.