Creationism does seem like a catch-all, as the name has been smeared by some fundamentalists who give the rest a bad name. Simply put, there are different groups, some more rational than others.
  • Young-Earth Creationists: They believe that God created the Universe in literally six days, and that the Universe is only 10,000 years old since then. Since they believe God specially designed humans, they reject evolution. A subsequent worldwide flood, they believe, accounts for most of the Earth's geography.
  • Day-Age Creationists: They accept the scientifically derived age of the Earth - 4.55 Billion years, since they interpret "Days" in the Bible to mean extremely long periods of time, not the standard 24 hours we use today. They also believe that God specially created humans and thus reject evolution.
  • Intelligent-Design Creationists: They downplay differences over literal interpretations of the Bible, and its contradictions. Most accept the idea of genetic variations within a species, but reject the idea that one species evolved from another. They argue that life is too complicated to have arisen by chance, or to have come about in such a short period of time (3.8 billion years, scientists expected that complex DNA wouldn't come about until something like 20 billion years), thus a supernatural intelligent designer created life on Earth. Notice how they don't say God, it could have been Aliens, or the Spore Theory.
The general point of view of creationists is that Evolution really hasn't been proven, lots of it are circumstantial evidence that fills in the gaps between fossils. Since evolution is mostly unproven, some US states like Kansas won't teach it. A few other states teach Evolution alongside Creation Science, but some put the creationism in the Philosophy classes.

A very slim minority of the really closed-minded ones refuse to believe dinosaurs existed, apparently God put the fossils there. People usually make fun of them, and it gives the rest of the movement a bad name.