The concept behind Organic Thinking is one that I've thought about for a few years, pun intended, and it is strikingly similar to the concept of synchronistic thinking as it has been explained to me. There are some differences, and in these differences are where I make the distinction.

The primary difference between synchronistic and organic thinking, so far as I can tell, are in the associations the mind makes, and how they are used. Synchronistic thinking makes associations almost at random, utilizing similarities the individual has between concepts, words, or ideas with little regard to the matter at hand. Organic thinking operates with more related associations, allowing for more ideas to be brought in association with the matter at hand, though they may immediately appear unrelated.

Unlike linear thought, however, it is a very free-flowing form, allowing more potentially useful concepts to be brought to bear on the thought at hand. An example of this will be in my next node, The China Virus.

The reason I call it Organic thought is that it tends more towards the Taoist or Zen attitudes in how it operates. Instead of focusing intensely on one concept to the exclusion of all others, it relaxes and allows the appropriate associations to be made by themselves. Having a broad base of knowledge to work from is a must in order to practice this method of thought.

Unlike synchronistic thinking, organic thinking stands up better to logical argument, simply because the associations made can also be used as arguments, though the manner in which the statements were put together could be called far from logical.

The other cause of name comes from my perception of how it operates on a longer-term usage. In the long-term view, one becomes more aware of their knowledge base and the limits of how it can be combined, and can then begin to accrue knowledge as they see fit, or discard knowledge that is either false or no longer applies to the person. Analogies can easily be made to a tree as it grows, sends new branches or roots out, and discards dead ones.

It's one potential drawback is that it is a very personal mode of thinking. Thoughts will occur to a particular person in a manner that will seem perfectly natural for them, but will clash with the methods that are currently in vogue in the various academic and scientific communities. Another would be that organic thinking lends itself well to processing data, but gathering the data is nine-tenths synchronicity to begin with. Random bits of information that strike the individual as appropriate and are stored, even if researched, will make them appear to more conventional thinkers as, "one who walks on clouds".

I find myself in this mode of thought more than any other, and I am used to it. From what I can observe, everything also operates in a similar manner. Of course, I'm brand spanking new here, so only investigation and time will tell in that department.

-M.P. Reyart