
Quack quack quack quack quack.

"Probiotics are not YOUR bacteria. YOURS are better. You need to take PREBIOTICS to feed your good microbiota, and encourage your healthy gut rainforest."

(I'm not kidding. He says that. Another physician gone bad a la Dr. Oz.)

"You can STARVE the BAD BUGS. Then your Good Microbes will help feel more energy, less bloated, stop cravings, like what you see in the mirror!" (Results not typical)." (So what the hell results ARE typical?)

"I had stumbled upon a Master Formula. A Supplement Company reached out to me, but... they wanted to package separately and charge $65.00 each for the two bottles."

"I firmly believe every person in America should take it every day and that's why my wife and daughters and I take it daily."

(Oh, yeah. No grains, no tomatoes or nightshades, no beans, no splenda. Lycopene bad!! Gluten intolerance is rare!! It's lycopene and BAD BUGS that are nailing your gut! Making you fat! It's not your fault! Bloating and fatigue and fat!)

You can still have coffee and dark chocolate.

"It has organic ingredients! Vegan!"

Ooooo, it boosts your bifidobacteria in only 7 days. "But if you drink it in a soda, you will totally ruin the effects! Ha, ha."

"We decided to offer it directly to you and cut out the middleman. PrebioThrive! Only $79.00 for a 30 day supply, but if you order in the next 24 hours, only 49.95! 3 container package on $44.00 per container!"

Quack quack quack quack quack.

The infomercial is over an hour.

"So again: those cravings you are getting, that take control of your brain and make you order a fattening meal instead of a healthy one, they are not your fault." etc "BAD BUGS."

This is brought to you by a family physician who does not sell any pills. I watched the infomercial. I don't buy it. You shouldn't either.