No Child left behind

A funeral
Breast cancer and 48

She was devoted
To her ministry

The knowledge that through Christ
She has eternal life, now welcomed by God

Who is my God?

Not hers

No child left behind

No God who demands
A single story

That is not the Beloved
Who holds my heart

Who then?

The Beloved who welcomes
All stories home

No punishment, then?

I have had enough of hell

My Beloved must welcome
The meanest creature

The weak, the widow, the orphan
Are easy for God to love
And some leave that to God

But even the angry
The selfish, the greedy

Evil too clings to life

Should they be sent to the hell
They imagine for others?

I hope that each person
Encounters the God of their hearts
And is welcomed

I hope that I meet
The Beloved who welcomes
Every size, shape, stripe and species
Every story of God

My Beloved welcomes all home