THIS morning's earthquake dream was at 2:20 am Pacific time (sprung forward). Or maybe it wasn't a dream, this am it was a bit hard to tell where dreams left off and the semi-awake part started. So far we have 2:12, 1:55 and 2:20 am. A friend says that it's the reminders of the Japanese Earthquake last year and all the stuff on the news.

"Ok, but I don't watch the news. And I watched lots of videos of the tsunami, but not many of the earthquake. And I'm not dreaming tsunamis, just a level III earthquake. Just."

The IT suggested that my unconscious remembered that the earthquake was at this time last year and that's why I am dreaming. However, she is pleased that we have a plan mapped out.

It's also been suggested that it's my own personal earthquake which I could buy, except that does not explain other people in town having premonitions. She doesn't live here.

I did read a couple of articles about Japan a year later, but I read them yesterday, after the first two dreams. And there was an article in the Seattle Times Sunday about the earthquake scientists worrying that a tsunami could be bigger than prepared for if we get a big slip in our off shore plates.

Ok, well, we've prepared as best we can. We'll head for the hills if we get shaken.

And this morning I went back to sleep and slept until 6:00 am.