An interesting variation on the theme would be to grab the light year long pole by one end and to rotate around your own axis. Lets say for a moment that you are capable of walking around your axis holding the pole in a one second period. The angular velocity, that is the speed at which you go through an angle, is now 2 π/sec. This is an interesting result! Why? Because it would mean that the tip of the pole is moving at a velocity of 2 * π* 94,605,284,000,000,000 m/s and this dwarfs the 'measly' light speed of 299,792,458 m/s.

This suggests that there is a maximum speed at which you can rotate holding a pole of such length. The maximum speed would have to be such that the tip of the pole would approach light speed. The derivation of the maximum rotational velocity would follow from:

v : The angular velocity in radians per second.
r = 94,605,284,000,000,000 m : One light year.
C = 299,792,458 m/s : The speed of light.

2 * π * r * v < C ⇒ v < C/2 * π * r

Give or take a floating point error, this means that you'd be turning that pole for about 68.87 years to do a full circle!

While we're at it: what if the pole was actually a tube? The tip of the tube would be ageing slower than the end you are holding because it is travelling at light speed. If you'd go through the tube, would you be going back in time? Or perhaps we should ask ourselves: is it not practically but fundamentally impossible to build a pole of such length?