Cannon Falls is located in southeast Minnesota (44º30'59"N latitude, 092º54'09"W longitude)1, 35 miles south of the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area, and 45 miles north of Rochester, MN (driving distance).

Cannon Falls is home to 3,795 people, of which 3,726 (or 98.2%) are caucasian. 48.5% of the population is male, and 51.5% is female. 2

Points of Interest

  • The Cannon River - In historic times (c. 1000 BC) the mouth of the Cannon River, where it meets with the Missippi, was the center of a large agricultural industry. Indians and traders frequently hid their canoes near the river's mouth, and so French fur traders called the stream La Riviere aux Canots, "the river of canoes." Because of the some misinterpretation it came to be known as the Cannon River. Hence the name Cannon Falls.
  • Cannon Valley Trail - a 20 mile paved trail over what used to be part of the Chicago Great Western Railroad. The trail parallels the Cannon River and spans the distance between Cannon Falls and Redwing, MN. This is a very popular spot for summer time recreation involving two-wheeled personal transportation devices.

1. United States Geological Survey (USGS) -
2. United States Census Bureau -